Where we come from
The more than 180-year company history of Rieger Orgelbau is rich in highlights. From mechanical organs with slider chests to modular electronic control systems, the history leads from the first instruments to 1,890 instruments installed all over the world.

Who we are
We are idealists, perfectionists, obsessed with sound. Our highly specialized and dedicated team of professionals with a wide range of qualifications currently consists of almost 70 people from 14 nations

What we think
We appreciate knowledge from the past, but are nevertheless always looking for further developments: for new sounds, technical innovations and musical novelties. One can virtually hear and see our hankering after creativity with each Rieger organ.

Where we want to go
We are passionate about modern organ building, because we like to help shape the artistic future of organ building and organ music; through maximum perfection - based on craftsmanship, an innovative spirit and fascinating sound.

Work at Rieger
Rieger developments set the standard in organ building worldwide.